• support@booksinhomes.com.au
  • 02 9434 2488



Books in Homes® welcomes the support of Volunteers, who can donate their time either at our office or by working remotely to help the charity achieves its goals.

Role Models Needed

Do you love books and reading? Do you want to pass that feeling of excitement and discovery onto children, living in disadvantaged or remote circumstances who traditionally come from bookless homes? If so, you may want to consider becoming a Role Model.

Our Role Models volunteer to inspire young readers on the Books in Homes® Program by either attending live Book Giving Assemblies or participating in virtual Book Giving Assemblies across Australia. Role Models come from all walks of life—Aboriginal Elders, children’s book authors and illustrators, comic book creators and graphic novelists, athletes, performers, celebrities, journalists, firefighters and other emergency services personnel, environmentalists, accountants, and many others who represent a multitude of professions.

Here’s what you do:

  • Speak, perform or do live illustration or similar for about ten minutes at Book Giving Assemblies
  • Share your own personal or professional inspirational story about how books and reading have impacted positively on your life or career path
  • Have FUN!!! Read a story, sing a song, write a poem and engage with students
  • Inspire children to do their best
  • Visit classrooms at live assemblies (if time permits)
  • Hand out Book Bags to children and feel like Santa Clause or the Book Fairy
  • Reinforce the Books in Homes® motto… “Read to succeed!”

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Your commitment would be a maximum of one Book Giving Assembly in Term 1, 2 and 4 of the school year. This equates to one hour for the virtual or live Assembly and around 30 minutes travel time in each direction for the latter if you live in urban areas (ie. around 2 to 2.5 hours per term) and up to 90 minutes travel in each direction if you live in regional or remote areas (ie. around 4 hours per term)
  • Assemblies are usually held in the last three weeks of each operating term (ie. March / April, May / June, and November / December)
  • We will feature your photo, caption and a link to your website in the Role Model Gallery on the Books in Homes website
  • We also feature Role Models in the “Role Model Rostrum” column of our monthly ezine The Bridge, as well as do “Shout Outs!” to our Role Models in our ezine and on social media
  • You’ll feel AMAZING!

What’s the next step? Contact the Communications Coordinator listed below and we will give you a call.

Volunteers Needed

Currently, Books in Homes® is seeking volunteers in the following roles and capacities:

  • Program Evaluation Coordinator (Part-time – remote or in-house)
  • Campaign Fundraising Coordinator (Part-time – remote or in-house).

In the past volunteers have usually committed approximately 2.5 to 10 hours a week to helping the charity.

Your contribution will be task oriented. Depending on the nature of the job, volunteers will receive job descriptions and report either to the CEO or to the Communications Coordinator. Volunteers bios and pics will also be displayed on the Our Staff page of this website.

Further Information

Julie Ditrich
Communications Coordinator
Books in Homes Australia
Phone: 02 9434 2488
Email: julieditrich@booksinhomes.com.au

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