• support@booksinhomes.com.au
  • 02 9434 2488



One of the charters of Books in Homes® is to help schools and communities (that is, those that have not been able to obtain sponsorship) to self-fund, as well as to support peer to peer fundraising.

School and community fundraising campaigns will soon be posted onto this page and will include the following information:

  • Campaign Name
  • School or Community Description
  • Fundraising Target
  • Fundraising Diary Notes

You can track the progress of each campaign right here.


If you wish to fundraise for a particular peer to peer campaign or start your own school campaign, then we recommend you start a GiveNow CrowdRaiser, which you can access from our GiveNow Books in Homes Fundraising Appeal page. Just go half way down the page until you come to a section that says “Fundraise for this Cause” and then click the black block. You will come to a page that looks like this, and which you can customise.


Just be sure to let us know, so we can display it here and across our social media platforms. Email Communications Coordinator Julie Ditrich with the information.

Further Information

Peter Large
CEO and Chairperson
Books in Homes Australia
Phone: 02 9434 2488
Email: peterlarge@booksinhomes.com.au

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