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MEDIA RELEASE: Glencore celebrates “200,000 Books in Homes” for North-West Queensland school children

Aug 16, 2023 0

For some 17 years, Glencore has been a stalwart supporter of the Charitable Foundation for Books in Homes Australia, and recently achieved delivering a milestone 200,000 Books in Homes to primary school students across North-West Queensland. Books in Homes Australia congratulates Glencore on their extraordinary achievement and thanks them greatly for their ongoing support and generosity in providing Books in Homes to the children of their communities.

Today, the Glencore sponsorship of Books in Homes Australia continues, covering eight schools in Mount Isa and the surrounding region, including Camooweal, Dajarra and Cloncurry. Courtesy of Glencore, every student at each of the eight sponsored schools receives nine books per year to own, take home, and share with their family. Being able to choose their books promotes reading for fun and as an everyday activity, thereby increasing their exposure to quality reading material and fostering a love of books that will contribute to a lifetime of reading for pleasure, as well as the pursuit of knowledge.

To demonstrate Glencore’s level of support in improving literacy and education opportunities in the lives of children in their communities, Glencore has contributed $1.62 million in sponsorship value to provide those 200,000 books to remote communities where children may otherwise not have access to books.

Peter Large, CEO of Books in Homes Australia says:

On behalf of our Australia-wide Books in Homes community, congratulations to Glencore for their ongoing generosity and support over the past 17 years. Having personally experienced the delivery of Glencore’s Books in Homes programs in and around Mount Isa, I have witnessed first-hand the joy those books bring to children and their families, the depth of appreciation shown to Glencore for their sponsorship, and the value placed on the books by the school communities. 200,000 books is an incredible accomplishment, and one we are very pleased to share with Glencore. 200,000 books and still going strong demonstrates the value Glencore places in investing in the future of their communities and, in particular, the children of those communities. Thank you, Glencore, for your dedication to helping improve the lives of many thousands of children over the past 17 years!

Zinc Assets Australia General Manager for Health, Safety, Environment and Community, Maryann Wipaki, says:

The Books in Homes program is Glencore Queensland Metals’ flagship education sponsorship and one of our longest-running partnerships.

We’re excited to have reached this amazing milestone of having delivered 200,000 books to students in North West Queensland schools.

We encourage our team to attend Book Giving Assemblies and make guest appearances at story time readings in schools, to share their love of reading with the students.

Thanks to the initiative, teachers are happy to report that learning outcomes have improved, as well as school attendance.

Through the program Glencore is helping to build the foundations of a literature-rich environment for children in their homes and schools, improving their potential for the future.”

Thank you and congratulations once again, Glencore, for your unparalleled commitment to your community.


Media Contacts:

Peter Large, CEO
Phone: 02 9434 2488 or 0411 405 405
Email: peterlarge@booksinhomes.com.au

Julie Ditrich, Communications Coordinator
Phone: 0412 445 511
Email: julieditrich@booksinhomes.com.au

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