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Durack State School Celebrates Participation on the Books in Homes Program

Dec 21, 2019 0

The students and staff of Durack State School in Qld, Australia, recently celebrated the value of reading and their participation on the Books in Homes Program by filming a thank you video for their Sponsor—The Ausenco Foundation—as well as the community to view. Each child receives three books a term over three terms a year. For 2019 alone, 1587 books-of-choice were distributed directly to the children enrolled in Durack State School, as well as an additional 87 Caught Being Good books, which are provided to the school to give to give to deserving students, and 144 books that are integrated into the school library. That’s 1818 books in 2019 alone… definitely cause for celebration. Thanks to the Ausenco Foundation for its generous sponsorship.

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