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Apr 1, 2022 0

Books in Homes is delighted to welcome new Sponsor – the Waratah Education Foundation (WEF) – to our community. The WEF is sponsoring eight NSW schools from Term 1, 2022. The schools are Ajuga School in Western Sydney, Brewarrina Central School, Enngonia Public School, Goodooga Central School, Menindee Central School, Wanaaring Public School, Weilmoringle Public School, and Wilcannia Central School in Western NSW. This translates into 286 students, receiving three books-of-choice three times a year.

The WEF supports programs that pursue, promote and improve education outcomes, so all children in Australia can gain essential life skills and realise their academic potential. The organisation also supports educational activities and programs that help break the cycle of poverty and disadvantage amongst marginalised communities, so their goals align in harmony with the Books in Homes mission.

Books in Homes CEO Peter Large says:

When the Waratah Education Foundation first approached Books in Homes it was a no brainer for us to work together as charities with common goals. We welcome their enthusiasm and participation, and look forward to sharing many projects with them over future years. The WEF has a broader project footprint than Books in Homes, so it will be great to see if we can return the favour and point our sponsors and supporters in their direction to help with future projects beyond Books in Homes that can assist in improving educational outcomes for disadvantaged communities. Welcome Waratah Education Foundation.

The enthusiasm and gratitude we have received from WEF’s sponsored schools in Term 1 has been overwhelming. I am sure we are going to hear much more about them in coming terms.

Please join me in welcoming the Waratah Education Foundation to Books in Homes, and thank you for welcoming our community to you.

For more information on the Waratah Education Foundation go to:

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