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    Sponsor Testimonials

    Books in Homes- > TESTIMONIALS > Sponsor Testimonials

    Please check out some of the detailed testimonials about the Books in Homes Program from some of our Sponsors.

    Rotary Club of North Sydney Sunrise

    At a recent book presentation, a mother told us how her son’s reading as measured by NAPLAN had improved dramatically, how Books in Homes had changed his life and how grateful she was for the program. We were delighted and inspired.

    Dr Iain Clark
    President 2017-18


    We are enacting the communities vision for their kids. People wanted more literacy so we are supporting a number of initiatives including this one. We were hoping for behavioural change and we are seeing it—kids now climb into their parents laps and want to read—it has become a way of getting special one-on-one attention from their older family. This resets the foundations of their home life in a way that will show benefits throughout their life.

    Blair McFarland

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