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    Role Model Testimonials

    Books in Homes- > TESTIMONIALS > Role Model Testimonials

    The recent Book Giving Assembly [at St Brendan’s Primary School, Flemington] was AMAZING! I was deeply moved by the passion and sincerity of the teachers. The work they put into planning, ensuring that it all went smoothly was impressive. I was made to feel very welcome by the staff, students and families. Honestly, I couldn’t speak highly enough of all concerned. It was a privilege to be involved. The joy when the books where handed out was palpable. So glad I was available to play my part.

    Jackie Kerin (Author & Oral Storyteller)

    As an early childhood teacher and author, I know how Books in Homes, positive role models and glorious books inspire children to read. I, too came from a disadvantaged family. Reading opened up a whole new world of opportunity for me.

    Karen Tyrrell (Author)

    Books in Homes is such a worthwhile project and it was an absolute joy to talk to the students about my love of books and about being an author. Most of all, it was something special to see the children so excited to receive their books, many owning a book of their own for the first time in their lives. I hope it continues to spread the joy of reading to students around Australia.

    Candice Lemon-Scott (Author)

    “Books in Homes is one of the best initiatives. Young faces lighting up when the books are personally  presented say it all.”

    Steve Coleman (Author)

    “Books in Homes is a wonderful way to connect kids with the joys of reading. The best part for me is seeing their faces when they open their book bags and discover the treasures inside. I feel honoured to be part of this important program.”

    Meredith Costain (Author)

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