MEDIA RELEASE: Mainfreight Extends its Sponsorship and Launches Student Excellence Award and Best Book Giving Assembly Competition
6 May 2019
Mainfreight has extended its support of the Books in Homes Program from seven to nine primary schools across Australia and has launched two new initiatives—the Mainfreight Award for Excellence in Attitude and the Best Book Giving Assembly Competition. During 2019 alone, Mainfreight will deliver almost 20,000 books to 5905 students participating on the Program. This means each child will receive nine brand new quality books-of-choice a year to build a home library and to share with their family, and the schools will receive 2270 additional books to be integrated into their libraries and also awarded to children who are “Caught Being Good”.
The Books in Homes and Mainfreight partnership first began in Australia in 2005 and has translated into distributing over 135,000 books from 2005 to 2018 to children, living in low socio-economic circumstances or in remote or Indigenous communities across Australia. The Program has helped young people value reading as a necessary but also fun and exciting skill and has also introduced these youngsters to stories from many Australian authors and illustrators. Moreover, 25% of the Program includes content from Indigenous creators.
Mainfreight is passionate about helping disadvantaged children discover the joys of reading and help shine a bright light onto pathways leading to future learning and achievement. As a consequence, Mainfreight has generously launched the new Mainfreight Award for Excellence in Attitude at each of the nine schools it sponsors (NSW: Matraville Soldier’s Settlement Public School, Doonside Public School, Woodberry Public School, Hume Public School; Vic: Broadmeadows Primary School, Noble Park Primary School; Qld: Carole Park State School; SA: Elizabeth South Primary School; and WA: Majella Catholic Primary School).
The Mainfreight Award for Excellence in Attitude will be awarded to one senior student at each school who has shown a positive attitude in all areas of school life. Alternatively, the Award can also recognise students who have accomplished a major goal, or put in an exceptional effort at their school.
Books in Homes is also launching the Mainfreight Best Book Giving Assembly Competition during Term 2, 2019 across the country, which will celebrate the strong connection Mainfreight has forged with its sponsored schools at the end of term celebration when the books are handed out to the students. One school will win this Award at the end of the year, culminating in a special trophy presentation.
Peter Large, CEO from Books in Homes Australia, spoke about the value of Mainfreight’s ongoing 14-year association with Books in Homes and the sponsored schools:
“Mainfreight is to be congratulated in its support of early education opportunities for Australian children. Books in Homes Australia, as well as Mainfreight’s sponsored schools across the country, greatly appreciate the dedication of Mainfreight to helping improve the future of Australian children participating in the Program. As a company, Mainfreight’s contribution to its regional communities reflects the company’s corporate culture and looks to develop special people and future leaders. Thousands of children Australia wide have experienced the benefits of Mainfreight’s contribution through Books in Homes, and we look forward to thousands more with Mainfreight’s ongoing commitment to improving childhood literacy.”
These initiatives only signify a slice of Mainfreight’s ongoing support and generosity to Books in Homes, which also includes having their office located at the Mainfreight Banksmeadow premises, fruit pick-up and delivery for a Melbourne primary school, as well as fund-raising efforts for small remote schools located in the Northern Territory.
Mainfreight, as an international company, also supports children’s education through Books in Homes in New Zealand and USA.
Media Contacts:
Julie Ditrich, Communications Coordinator
Phone: 02 9434 2488 or 0412 445 511
Peter Large, CEO
Phone: 02 9434 2488 or 0411 405 405