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Dec 21, 2022 0

This is the third year of the Mainfreight Award for Excellence in Attitude, which was launched in 2019 (with one Covid year respite). It is awarded to one senior student at each Mainfreight-sponsored school who has shown a positive attitude in all areas of school life or who has been recognised for having accomplished a major goal or made an exceptional effort at school during the year.

The 2022 awards were presented to winning students during Term 4, 2022 Book Giving Assemblies or at graduation ceremonies. Mainfreight provided each winner with an engraved silver trophy; and a certificate personally signed by Rodd Morgan, Group General Manager of Mainfreight Australia; as well as a copy of the DK Complete Atlas of the World: The Definitive View of the Earth—a complete and unrivalled portrait of the modern world.
The 2022 winners were:

  • BROADMEADOWS PRIMARY SCHOOL (Vic): Aisha Ali (Year 5/6) – Awarded for working extremely hard at her reading throughout the year and her selection for the Victorian High Ability Program.
  • CAROLE PARK STATE SCHOOL (Qld): Tallara McKenna-Nye (Year 6S) – Awarded for demonstrating an excellence in attitude throughout the whole school year by never giving up on her learning and consistently persevering and encouraging others.
  • DOONSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL (NSW): Sophia Silverio (Year 5) – Awarded for representing her school at Zone sport level for athletics, swimming, and cross country. She partakes in several dance groups. Sophia is an SRC member and demonstrates a love of learning and a commitment to all aspects to all school life.
  • ELIZABETH SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL (SA): Fiona Juan (Year 6) – Awarded for showing consistent effort and engagement in all learning experiences throughout her time at Elizabeth South Primary School. She participates in activities to support her peers and is an excellent leader for the school community.
  • HUME PUBLIC SCHOOL (NSW): Annabell Pike(Year 6R) – Awarded for displaying an excellent attitude to all aspects of school life. She conscientiously applies herself to new learning across the curriculum, contributing thoughtful ideas during class discussions, while listening to the ideas of others with courtesy. Annabell interacts respectfully with peers and teachers. She models the qualities and values of a Hume School leader, ensuring she consistently acts as a role model for younger students.
  • MAJELLA CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL (WA): Agnes Deng (Year 6) – Awarded for always being keen to participate and try her hardest in class. She has developed positive study habits and gets on with her learning without fuss. Agnes has a growth mindset, and she should be proud of all of her achievements this year.
  • MATRAVILLE SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT PUBLIC SCHOOL (NSW): Lola Kemp (Year 5 Ngarrang) – Awarded for showing a positive attitude in all areas of school life.
  • NOBLE PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL (Vic): Christopher Nguyen (Year 5) – Awarded for being a high achiever across all subjects, particularly excelling in mathematics.
  • WOODBERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL (NSW): Georgia Laga’aia (Year 5/6P) – Awarded for displaying a positive attitude in all areas of school life.

Books in Homes Australia is exceptionally grateful to Mainfreight for this prestigious and generous award, as well as for their continued support in all areas of the Program. We believe this Award will be treasured by these special students for years to come.

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